Home » News » National "dual Carbon" Strategy Is Imminent! Wood-based Panels Achieve The Goal of "double Carbon" And Create Green And Low-carbon Future Factories

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National "dual Carbon" Strategy Is Imminent! Wood-based Panels Achieve The Goal of "double Carbon" And Create Green And Low-carbon Future Factories

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-08-16      Origin: Site

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In recent years, the state has put forward the development strategy of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality". As an extension of the utilization of forest resources, wood-based panel products are a part of the carbon cycle of forest ecosystem and an important carrier of carbon storage flow, and have positive significance for the carbon balance between forest ecosystem and atmosphere, as well as the regulation of carbon turnover rate and turnover amount in the atmosphere. With the gradual establishment of the low-carbon circular development economic system, the wood-based panel industry, as a typical industry of the circular economy, will get more development opportunities.

Wood-based panels are widely used, of which furniture manufacturing is the most important application field, followed by the field of architectural decoration. China's wood-based panel application in the field of furniture manufacturing accounted for about 60%, in the field of building materials, floor manufacturing accounted for 20% and 7%, respectively, in the field of packaging accounted for 8%. From the perspective of regional distribution of enterprises, wood-based panel manufacturing enterprises are mainly concentrated in Zhejiang and Jiangsu regions.


China is the world's largest wood-based panel production, consumption and export trade, the annual production and consumption of wood-based panel about 300 million cubic meters. However, China's wood-based panel industry faces large pressure on the supply of wood resources, serious environmental protection and safety production problems, low market concentration, unreasonable structure and fierce homogenization competition, and there is still a huge room for improvement and upgrading. With the continuous advancement of China's supply-side structural reform, the continuous improvement of environmental standards and increasingly strict supervision and supervision, our company's wood-based panel production process conforms to the development trend, seeks endogenous growth momentum, and gradually shifts from total expansion to high-quality development of structural optimization.

In the past 5 years, Shanghai QINGE wood-based panel production has continued to eliminate backward production capacity, and the intelligent level of the whole line production has gradually improved. The production proportion of low formaldehyde release products and aldehyde-free wood-based panel products has been significantly increased, and the variety structure has been continuously optimized; The upgrading of environmental protection facilities continues to promote, the production of wood-based panels continues to promote the goal of higher environmental carrying capacity, and the industrial layout is further reasonable.


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