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Forests And Innovation

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-07-01      Origin: Site

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Innovation and technology have revolutionized forest monitoring, allowing countries to more effectively track and report on their forests. Based on transparent and innovative forest monitoring, countries have cumulatively reduced carbon dioxide emissions from forests reported to the UNFCCC by 13.7 billion tonnes.

The theme of the International Day of Forests 2024 is: Forests and Innovation - Innovative solutions for a Better World.

New technological advances are needed to reverse the trend of deforestation. Every year, 10 million hectares of forest are lost due to deforestation, and about 70 million hectares are affected by fires. Technological innovation is therefore critical to strengthening early warning systems, promoting sustainable wood production, and empowering indigenous peoples through mapping and climate finance.

In addition, ecosystem restoration efforts such as reforestation contribute to climate change mitigation, food security and the promotion of sustainable wood products.



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